Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Cheney vs. Kucinich

An MSNBC article reveals plans for Democratic Representative and presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich to impeach Dick Cheney for his hawkish, belligerent attitude against any country that starts with the syllable 'I'.

Kucinich demands Congress check the administration's abuse of power, but I can't determine which tidbit is most surprising to me -- that Kucinich, in his vision to impeach, is largely unsupported by his fellow democrats, that Kucinich strategically targets to oust Cheney before Bush, or that, according to the article, Kucinich, the diminutive man who will never scare anyone into voting for him, stands one-tenth of one percent to win the democratic nomination.
(By the way, I think the above picture is well scripted by his handlers -- It's the only possible way to make him seem a normal size, if not that of a beastly mammoth.)

Yeah, it's got to be that last one that's most bizarre. .1% sounds a little inflated to me. Show me that one man out of the thousand, and I'll show you a man who must be Kucinich's father... (Though I must admit, I'm quite the Kucinich fan. His universal love for humanity and willingness to promote veganism and the tranquility of peace and connectedness are quite novel and noble for a presidential candidate... but as President Bush has shown, that personal philosophy does not win you anything. In fact, it gets you about a .1% chance to become leader of the free world...)

You must admit, though, he has a knack for priority. Asked why he first flagged Cheney instead of Bush for the impeachment, he said, “You would have to go through the constitutional agony of impeaching two presidents consecutively."

A president he won't be, but the man perhaps has a point... (Perhaps his retort was simply stylish here, but it's also realistic. The attempted Republican impeachment of President Clinton stifled resources during an election year. Not to mention, Cheney running the country? I think some might call that scary.)

Other cool-sounding movie names (like the title above) that no one would watch...
Cheney vs. a heart attack
Cheney vs. a blood clot
Cheney vs. overall health and...
Cheney vs. quacking duckman

Cheney vs. quacking duckman could be a redeeming installment in American cinema, actually....

For the article on 'the Kuciniched Crusader,' see

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